Tenzo Gram Day 2
I didn't send a "gram" yesterday because
we talked and you knew most everything that happened anyway.
Today we didn't go for a walk since they
were supposed to pave the street. Well, they actually paved the
street but didn't start until noon. We could have gone and been
back before then.
Several times we walked down to watch
the machinery and the paving progress. I can tell you, I don't like
the noises that those big dump trucks make. The air brakes, the
back-up horns, the engine noise... it's the sounds I don't like.
I been awake more today than normal and
I'm slowing down (it's a little past 6:30 pm). S'Mom got on the
scale and then I was placed in her arms. They now think I weigh 7
pounds. I know I'm a little longer, but I'm still not fat.
Tenzo Gram Day 3
Everything was going fine yesterday.
Then the bottom literally dropped out. I pooped in the hall and
then just a short time later unrinated on the small rug in front of
my crate. I can't explain it. I had just visited the outside for a
short bathroom trip. I had my normal BM's. I'll blame it on
atmospheric/barometric pressure changes. In fact, I got the cold
shoulder for the rest of the evening. S'Mom warned me to be good
today when she left for work.
There is good news. He washed the
floors on his hands and knees and found my yellow fish head that had
slid under the stove when I was chasing it. I thought it was lost.
I hope everything is back to normal.
What I don't understand is why they keep
crossing off dates on the calendar.
No walk this morning, maybe later today.
Not long after I sent his morning email,
I looked around for him. didn't see him and called. he didn't
come. I went looking and found him in the family room with a new
pile of poop on the carpet. He knew he was in the dog house. After
scolding him (he knew he did bad) I wrapped his leash around the
banister so he couldn't go far and ignored him for about an hour.
About 10:00 we went for a walk. Now he was obeying in every way.
Trying to be friendly. Been good the rest of the day. Pooped 4
times so far today including the "mislaid" one.
Thought you would want to know.
Tenzo Gram Day 4
Actually it was a non-event day. They
seem happy when that happens. After S'mom left, he sent some
emails along to those on his list and then we took a nap. Later,
I was put in the crate when he went somewhere. He returned in
about an hour. In the afternoon he went to the gym and I went
back to the crate. Last evening we played with the soccer and
tennis ball. I ran around a lot. I've a "regular" digestive
system. I had 5 BM's yesterday. He says I'm somewhere between 6
and 8 pounds. He also thinks I may need a haircut again because
more black is showing.
Tenzo Gram Day 5
Tenzo Gram Day 6
Yesterday was a fun day (almost). He
gave me another bath. It's not that I don't like it, it is being
in that sink that makes me want to get out. I look better today.
They think I should get my hair cut next week. I'm learning how
to train Smom to ask for my paw. Pretty soon she do it all the
time, now it's about 50/50. I'm getting better at chasing the
ball but then too, I'm getting stronger. She noticed my newfound
strength. Well I eat regularly, my digestive system works
regularly and I'm tipping the scales between 6 and 8 pounds (we
all think).
Tenzo Gram Day 7
We stopped at the vets today and got
heartworm medicine for puppies. I took the pill already. Then we
got some puppy food and a couple of chew/treat biscuits. G'Mom's
wondering if I poop too much (5 times yesterday) and the girl said
if I go to often, it might mean I'm not getting all the nutrients
so I may need my food balanced. We're going to try Innovia for
puppies by introducing just a little at a time. If I have any
type of reaction, they're to take it back and get a refund.
For the last several days, whenever I
come in from my last bathroom call I zoom into my kennel. They
have to haul me out to take the leash off. It just feels so nice
to go to sleep.
We got up at 6:30 and I went to the
"bathroom" and then went into my kennel for a little more sleep.
She got up around 8:30 this morning. We've also gone to Simmons
farm market and up to the Crossroads shopping center. I have a
hair cut appointment for next Wednesday at a different place. I
think it might be better there.